  • Overview
  • Authentication
  • Response Codes
  • Users
  • Protections
  • Quotes
  • Vehicles
  • Rates
  • Quote Protections
  • Loan
  • Loan Package
  • Loan Notes
  • Errors
  • Overview

    The Line5 API v1 connects your application to the Line5. Your application can use the API to create quotes and finalize them.

    All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from the domain. Request and response payloads are formatted as application/vnd.api+json, which is compliant with the JSON API standard. We support cross-origin resource sharing to allow you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application. All API requests must be authenticated or you will receive a 401 Unauthorized error response (see Authentication).


    A digital copy of every protection to be sold via the Line5 API must be provided, including registration page and all disclosure pages or booklet. Line5 must review and approve every product sold.

    Once each product is approved, Line5 will provide a unique ID(see Protections) to be used by the API for that specific product.


    Keep in mind, if a new revision of the product is released, the approval process must be repeated.

    Process Flow

    Users Endpoint

    Every Quote needs an active User of your dealership assigned to. You can fetch your active users via the Users endpoint.

    Protections Endpoint

    In order to set up a valid quote, you'll need at least one of your accessible protections. You'll need to request it from the Protections endpoint.

    Quote Creation

    To create a quote you'll need to post the required information to the Quotes endpoint. You'll be able to change and update your quote until you finalize it, which will turn your quote into a loan. A finalized quote can not be updated anymore.


    To authorize, use this code:

    # With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
    curl "api_endpoint_here"
      -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_KEY"

    Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key.

    Line5 uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new Line5 API key by contacting Line5.

    Line5 expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

    Authorization: Token YOUR_API_KEY

    Response Codes

    The Line5 API uses the following response codes:

    Code Meaning
    200 OK
    201 Created
    404 Not found
    500 Internal server error


    Get all active users

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Token YOR_API_KEY"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": [
          "id": "3989",
          "type": "employees",
          "attributes": {
            "email": "",
            "first-name": "John",
            "last-name": "Snow",
            "user-id": 1
          "id": "3988",
          "type": "employees",
          "attributes": {
            "email": "",
            "first-name": "Klaus",
            "last-name": "Heinrich",
            "user-id": 2

    This endpoint retrieves all employees.

    Parameter Type Description
    id int the id which identifies the user
    email string The email of the user
    first-name string The first name of the user
    last-name string The last name of the user

    HTTP Request


    Create User

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Token YOR_API_KEY"

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "employee",
          "attributes": {
            "first-name": "test",
            "last-name": "test",
            "date-of-birth": "1950-10-14",
            "email": "",
            "phone-number": "8885551212"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "1",
          "type": "employees",
          "attributes": {
            "email": "",
            "first-name": "test",
            "last-name":  "test",
            "user-id": 7

    This endpoint creates a User

    Parameter Type Description
    id string the id which identifies the employee
    first-name string The first name of the user
    last-name string The last name of the user
    email string The email of the user
    user-id int the user id of the employee

    HTTP Request


    Auto Login

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTQzNiwiZXhwIjoxNTg4Nzg3ODgwfQ.Fz19I2bueMgFOgoPXdMss1h7TPrExP9bbc2pMOVa0jk' \
    --data-raw '{"query":"mutation {\n  signInUser(email: \"\", password: \"Test1!\") {\n    status\n    token\n    user {\n      id\n      displayName\n      email\n    }\n  }\n}","variables":{}}'

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    {"data":{"signInUser":{"status":"Success","token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NjcyNSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1NDgyMjgwfQ.LhbILuXEkJmscg0MxJanZP2ugyBMWpCfb2NHuOdOV68","user":{"id":"1111","displayName":"Test  Barron john eagle","email":""}}}

    These auto-login options allow you to access the quote wizard URL based off user token and have the ability to redirect for final quotation process.

    Parameter Type Description
    email string The email of the user
    password string password of the user

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTQzNiwiZXhwIjoxNTg4Nzg3ODgwfQ.Fz19I2bueMgFOgoPXdMss1h7TPrExP9bbc2pMOVa0jk' \
    --data-raw '{"query":"mutation {\n  SignInUserAuto(email: \"\", userId: 82655, service: \"PROVIDE_AHEAD_OF_IMPLEMENTATION\") {\n    status\n    token\n    user {\n      id\n      displayName\n      email\n    }\n  }\n}","variables":{}}

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    {"data":{"signInUser":{"status":"Success","token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NjcyNSwiZXhwIjoxNjg1NDgyMjgwfQ.LhbILuXEkJmscg0MxJanZP2ugyBMWpCfb2NHuOdOV68","user":{"id":"46725","displayName":"Mandy  Barron john eagle","email":""}}}

    Once you are able to access the user token, you will pass the Quote ID and auth token into the params of the URL above.

    This second method of auto login allows params passed using email, userID and service

    Parameter Type Description
    email string the email of the user
    userId int the id which identifies the user
    service string validates auto login


    Get all protections

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Your API key"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

            "name":"Total Tyre Protection",
            "form_number": "T-12345",
              "protection-category-id": 6,
              "protection-category-name": "Tire & Wheel Coverage",
              "brochure": ""
            "provider":"Super Provider",
            "name":"The Awesome Protection",
            "form_number": "JA7889",
              "protection-category-id": 1,
              "protection-category-name": "Extended Service Contract",
              "brochure": ""
            "provider":"Lame Provider",
            "name":"The Lame Protection",
            "form_number": "JYY7889",
            "protection-category-id": 1,
            "protection-category-name": "Extended Service Contract",
            "brochure": ""

    This endpoint retrieves all available protections with their form numbers, these protection ids are the ones that need to come related to the quote protections on the quote creation. And the fields are the one that need to come with the value on the relationship of the quote protection, if the attribute required is present on any of the fields those are necessary.

    Protection Attributes

    Parameter Type Description
    id int the id which identifies the protection
    provider string Name of the protectio provider
    name string Name of the protection
    form-number string Form number that identifies the contract

    Fields Attributes

    Parameter Type Description
    months int Number of months covered in the protection
    mileage int Miles covered on the protection
    cost decimal Cost of activating the protection for the delaer
    price decimal Price of the protection to the customer

    HTTP Request



    POST Quote

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @create_quote_request.json create_quote_request.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

        "data": {
            "type": "quotes",
            "attributes": {
                "integration-loan-id": 54,
                "skip-credit-validation": false,
                "text-to-sell": true
            "relationships": {
                "customer": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "customers",
                        "attributes": {
                            "first-name": "first-name",
                            "last-name": "last-name",
                            "ssn": "customer-ssn",
                            "date-of-birth": "yyyy-mm-dd",
                            "address-1": "street-address-1",
                            "address-2": "street-address-2",
                            "city": "city",
                            "state": "state-abbreviation",
                            "postal-code": "5-digit-zip",
                            "email": "",
                            "cell-number": "8885551212",
                            "work-number": "8885551212",
                            "phone-number": "8885551212"
                "vehicle": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "vehicles",
                        "attributes": {
                            "vin": "vehicle-identification-number",
                            "mileage": 43
                "employee": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "employee",
                        "id": 3
                "quote-protections": {
                    "data": [{
                            "type": "quote-protection",
                            "attributes": {
                                "exclude-tax": true,
                                "filled-fields": [{
                                        "name": "mileage",
                                        "value": 12000
                                        "name": "months",
                                        "value": 12
                                        "name": "cost",
                                        "value": 233.34
                                        "name": "price",
                                        "value": 433.34
                                "coverage": {
                                        "coverage_name": "Coverage Name",
                                        "product_type": "ProductType",
                                        "term_miles": 60000,
                                        "term_months": 60
                                "deductible": {
                                        "amount": "250"
                                "surcharges": [
                                        "code": "CODE1"
                                        "code": "CODE2"
                            "relationships": {
                                "protection": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "type": "protection",
                                        "id": 23
                            "type": "quote-protection",
                            "attributes": {
                                "exclude-tax": false,
                                "filled-fields": [{
                                        "name": "cost",
                                        "value": 233.34
                                        "name": "price",
                                        "value": 433.34
                            "relationships": {
                                "protection": {
                                    "data": {
                                        "type": "protection",
                                        "id": 64

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON structured like this:

        "data": {
            "id": "13831",
            "type": "quotes",
            "attributes": {
                "link-to-quote-wizard": "",
                "link-to-text-to-sell": "",
                "integration-loan-id": null,
                "status": "new",
                "term": 10,
                "monthly-payment": 47.18,
                "protections-total": 433.34,
                "taxed-total": 0,
                "tax": 0,
                "subtotal": 433.34,
                "down-payment": 0,
                "total": 433.34,
                "doc-stamp-fee": 1.75,
                "financed-total": 435.09,
                "base-fee": 65.26,
                "buy-down-fee": 0,
                "interest-percent": 17.99,
                "additional-term-fee": 0,
                "fees": 65.26
            "relationships": {
                "quote-protections": {
                    "data": [
                            "id": "28608",
                            "type": "quote-protections"
                "customer": {
                    "data": {
                       "id": "16792",
                       "type": "customers"
                "vehicle": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "10432",
                        "type": "vehicles"
        "included": [
                "id": "16792",
                "type": "customers",
                "attributes": {
                    "first-name": "John",
                    "last-name": "Doe",
                    "date-of-birth": "1990-01-01",
                    "address-1": "22 Arcacia Ave",
                    "address-2": "APT 123",
                    "city": "MIAMI",
                    "state": "FL",
                    "postal-code": "33131",
                    "phone-number": "(888) 555-1212",
                    "cell-number": "(888) 555-1212",
                    "work-number": "(888) 555-1212",
                    "credit-score-tier": "h"
                "id": "28608",
                "type": "quote-protections",
                "attributes": {
                    "term": 12,
                    "name": "Allstate® Classic VSC",
                    "months": 12,
                    "mileage": 12000,
                    "price": "433.34"
                "id": "10432",
                "type": "vehicles",
                "attributes": {
                    "year": 2013,
                    "make": "Dodge",
                    "model": "Challenger R/T",
                    "vin": "2C3KA53G67H670383",
                    "mileage": 43,
                    "purchase-price": "22211.22",
                    "financed-amount": "20000.01",
                    "msrp": "25999.99",
                    "finance-term": 60,
                    "in-service-date": "2013-01-01",
                    "status": "used_vehicle"

    This endpoint creates a new quote.

    Quote Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    integration-loan-id int true the ID which identifies the quote on the clients side, meaning your internal ID for this quote
    skip-credit-validation boolean false Sending this value as true will skip the credit inquiry, giving your customer the max rate. Identification will be required before funding.
    text-to-sell boolean false Identifies that text-to-sell will be used to end the quote.

    NOTE: Send 'text-to-sell' parameter only when sending protection information when creating the quote. If you are creating the quote without protections and adding protections later, update this information when the quote is complete, using the PUT method.

    Customer Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    first-name string true First Name of the customer
    last-name string true Last Name of the customer
    ssn string true SSN of the customer
    date-of-birth string true Date of birth of this customer on format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    address-1 string true First line of customers address
    address-2 string true Second line of customers address
    city string true City
    state string true State
    postal-code string true ZipCode
    email string true Customer email
    cell-number string true CellPhone Number
    phone-number string true Phone Number
    work-number string false Work Phone Number

    Vehicle Attributes:

    NOTE: If only 'vin' and 'mileage' are sent, a VIN explosion will run and fill in the vehicle description fields. If 'year', 'make', 'model', 'in-service-date', and 'status' are ALL sent, the VIN explosion will not run and the sent attributes will be used.

    Parameter Type Required Description
    vin string true Vehicle Identification Number
    mileage string true Odometer Reading
    year int false Vehicle Year
    make string false Vehicle Make
    model string false Vehicle Model
    in-service-date string false Date this model/year went into production (format as yyyy-mm-dd)
    status string false "new_vehicle", "used_vehicle", "used_with_factory_warranty", "certified_pre_owned"
    purchase-price decimal false Purchase Price of vehicle
    msrp decimal false Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)
    financed-amount decimal false Total Amount Financed
    finance-term int false Length of Finance Term (months)

    Employee Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Employee ID on Line5 (from the user response)

    Quote Protection Attributes:

    You do not need to include quote protections when creating a quote. They can be individually added afterwards in Quote Protections

    These fields are the ones that were sent on the get protections response per protection. Corresponding to the fields on the (Protection) Additional there are the following fields:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    exclude-tax boolean false this flag overrides the default tax option in the for the corresponding protection.
    coverage Coverage false Coverage data
    deductible Deductible false Deductible data
    durcharges Surcharges false Surcharges data

    Coverage Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    coverage-name string true Name of coverage
    product-type string true Type of coverage
    term-miles integer false Miles of coverage
    term-months integer false Months of coverage

    Deductible Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    amount string true Deductible amount

    Surcharges Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    code string true Surcharge code

    NOTE: Coverage, deductible and surcharge data, when submitted, must be available to the dealer. The system will consult the rates and locate them according to what was sent. This information must be equivalent to that returned in Rates.

    Quote Protection Relationships:


    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Protection ID on Line5 (from the protections response)


    When the quote creation succeeds the server will issue a response with status code 201 and the rate attributes of the created Quote

    Parameter Type Description
    link-to-quote-wizard string URL to access the quote on the web frontend. The quote finalization can be continued on the web frontend, as well.
    link-to-text-to-sell string URL to access quote in Text to Sell. The quote finalization can be continued on the Text to Sell.
    integration-loan-id int the ID which identifies the quote on the clients side, meaning your internal ID for this quote
    status string Status of the deal (new, awaiting-funding, finalized)
    term int Effective term of the coverage, amount of months were the vehicle is covered
    monthly-payment decimal Monthly payment required from the customer
    protections-total decimal Total cost of the protections
    taxed-total decimal Total amount taxed
    tax decimal Tax percent
    subtotal decimal Subtotal amount (taxes + protection-total)
    down-payment decimal Down payment required by the customer
    total decimal Total cost
    doc-stamp-fee decimal Documents Fee
    financed-total decimal Total amount that is going to be financed
    base-fee decimal Base fee for the deal
    buy-down-fee decimal Buy Down Fee
    additional-term-fee decimal Fee for adjusting the term
    fees decimal Total amount of fees

    Customer credit tier

    During quote creation, we inquire the credit records from the customer in order to generate a precise quote. Within the quote response, we are returning the tier symbol in which the customers credit score lies. The credit score tiers are defined according the following ranges:

    Symbol Credit score between
    a 900 to 800
    b 799 to 750
    c 749 to 700
    d 699 to 650
    e 649 to 600
    f 599 to 550
    g 549 to 500
    h 499 to 0

    Credit Inquiry Failures

    Credit inquiries may fail for a variety of reasons, ranging from invalid customer data to credit inquiry service availability issues. When failures happen, the API will respond with a 422 status and the error message indicating the reason for the failure. Depending on the error message, it might be necessary to verify the customer data and try submitting again. If failures persist, credit inquires can be skipped by setting the quotes skip_credit_validation attribute to true. Note that skipping the credit inquiry will result in getting the highest interest rate.

    HTTP Request


    PUT/PATCH Quote

    curl -i -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @update_quote_request.json update_quote_terms.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

        "type": "quotes",
        "id": 12
        "attributes": {
          "term": 24,
          "down_payment": 400,
          "interest_percent": 13,
          "text-to-sell": true

    This endpoint adjusts the quote's loan terms. All three fields are optional and should only be used, when an actual adjustment is desired.

    Quote Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    term int false Represents the desired therm in months
    down_payment int false Represents the desired down payment in dollars
    interest_percent int false Represents the desired interest percent
    text-to-sell boolean false identifies that text-to-sell will be used to end the quote

    PUT/PATCH finalize

    curl -i -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @finalize_quote.json finalize_quote.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this for a payment card:

       "data": {
         "type": "quotes",
         "id": "10124",
         "attributes": {
           "first_payment_date": "2017-10-3"
         "relationships": {
           "payment_method": {
               "attributes": {
                 "form_of_payment_type": "payment_card",
                 "payment_card_name": "jon Doe",
                 "payment_card_number": "5454545454545454",
                 "payment_card_cvv": "123",
                 "payment_card_expiration": "12/2020",
                 "payment_card_zip_code": "33334"

    Or like this when setting up a bank transfer account:

       "data": {
         "type": "quotes",
         "id": "10124",
         "attributes": {
           "first_payment_date": "2017-10-3"
         "relationships": {
           "payment_method": {
               "attributes": {
                 "form_of_payment_type": "bank_transfer",
                 "bank_transfer_routing_number": "063107513",
                 "bank_transfer_account_number": "9999999999",
                 "bank_transfer_routing_number_confirmation": "063107513",
                 "bank_transfer_account_number_confirmation": "9999999999",
                 "bank_transfer_name": "Wells Fargo",
                 "bank_transfer_account_type": "checking"

    Add a downpayment and an automatic payment method using different payment methods

      "data": {
        "type": "quotes",
        "id": "10124",
        "attributes": {
          "first_payment_date": "2017-10-3"
        "relationships": {
          "downpayment_payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "downpayment_payment_method",
              "attributes": {
                "form_of_payment_type": "payment_card",
                "payment_card_name": "jon doe",
                "payment_card_number": "5454545454545454",
                "payment_card_cvv": "123",
                "payment_card_expiration": "10/2020",
                "payment_card_zip_code": "33334"
          "payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "payment_methods",
              "attributes": {
                "form_of_payment_type": "bank_transfer",
                 "bank_transfer_routing_number": "063107513",
                 "bank_transfer_account_number": "9999999999",
                 "bank_transfer_routing_number_confirmation": "063107513",
                 "bank_transfer_account_number_confirmation": "9999999999",
                 "bank_transfer_name": "Wells Fargo",
                 "bank_transfer_account_type": "checking"

    Use same payment method as down payment to setup autopay

      "data": {
        "type": "quotes",
        "id": "10124",
        "attributes": {
          "first_payment_date": "2017-10-3"
        "relationships": {
          "downpayment_payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "downpayment_payment_method",
              "attributes": {
                "form_of_payment_type": "payment_card",
                "payment_card_name": "jon doe",
                "payment_card_number": "5454545454545454",
                "payment_card_cvv": "123",
                "payment_card_expiration": "10/2020",
                "payment_card_zip_code": "33334"
          "payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "payment_methods",
              "attributes": {
                "same_as_downpayment": true

    Provide auto pay later ( when sending down payment )

      "data": {
        "type": "quotes",
        "id": "10124",
        "attributes": {
          "first_payment_date": "2017-10-3"
        "relationships": {
          "downpayment_payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "downpayment_payment_method",
              "attributes": {
                "form_of_payment_type": "payment_card",
                "payment_card_name": "jon doe",
                "payment_card_number": "5454545454545454",
                "payment_card_cvv": "123",
                "payment_card_expiration": "10/2020",
                "payment_card_zip_code": "33334"
          "payment_method": {
            "data": {
              "type": "payment_methods",
              "attributes": {
                "provide_later": true

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "110372",
        "type": "loans",
        "attributes": {
          "status": "awaiting_paperwork",
          "funded-at": null,
          "start-date": "2017-06-01",
          "payment-day": 24,
          "first-payment-date": "2017-05-24",
          "balance": "435.09",
          "term": 10,
          "down-payment": "0.0",
          "short-fund-fee": "0.0",
          "monthly-payment": "47.18",
          "tax": "0.0",
          "base-fee": "65.26",
          "buy-down-fee": "0.0",
          "additional-term-fee": "0.0",
          "doc-stamp-fee": "1.75",
          "financed-total": "435.09",
          "esign-url": "",
          "signing-state": "unsigned"
        "relationships": {
          "loan-notes": {
            "data": []
          "unread-loan-notes": {
            "data": []
          "actual-cover-sheet": {
            "data": {
              "id": "9215",
              "type": "loan-packages"
          "customer": {
            "data": {
              "id": "1582",
              "type": "customers"
          "vehicle": {
            "data": {
              "id": "10432",
              "type": "vehicles"
          "quote-protections": {
            "data": [
                "id": "20730",
                "type": "quote-protections"
      "included": [
          "id": "9215",
          "type": "loan-packages",
          "attributes": {
            "documents-file-name": "5087eef7-bcc7-4778-9f34-9c4773ee529f.pdf",
            "documents-content-type": "application/pdf",
            "documents-file-size": 918298
          "links": {
            "download": ""
          "id": "1582",
          "type": "customers",
          "attributes": {
            "first-name": "Susann",
            "last-name": "Cartwright",
            "date-of-birth": "1990-01-01",
            "address-1": "951 Moen Prairie",
            "address-2": "",
            "city": "BOCA RATON",
            "state": "FL",
            "postal-code": "33433",
            "phone-number": "(417) 933-2362",
            "cell-number": "(666) 639-6506",
            "work-number": "(666) 639-6506",
            "credit-score-tier": "h"
          "id": "10432",
          "type": "vehicles",
          "attributes": {
              "year": 2013,
              "make": "Dodge",
              "model": "Challenger R/T",
              "vin": "2C3KA53G67H670383",
              "mileage": 43,
              "purchase-price": "22211.22",
              "financed-amount": "20000.01",
              "msrp": "25999.99",
              "finance-term": 60,
              "in-service-date": "2013-01-01",
              "status": "used_vehicle"
          "id": "20730",
          "type": "quote-protections",
          "attributes": {
            "term": 12,
            "name": "Allstate® Classic VSC",
            "months": 12,
            "mileage": 12000,
            "price": "433.34"

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON serialized loan like in Loan documented.

    This endpoint sets up the first payment date and the payment method.

    Finalize Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true the id of the quote to be finalized
    first_payment_date date true The date, where the first payment is due.

    The payment_method segment accepts credit/debit card or wire transfer information.

    Credit/Debit Card

    Parameter Type Required Description
    form_of_payment_type string true use 'payment_card' for CC
    payment_card_name string true The cardholder's name
    payment_card_number int true The credit card number
    payment_card_cvv int true The credit card cvv number
    payment_card_expiration string true The credit card expiration date (mm/yyyy)
    payment_card_zip_code int true The the zip code where the credit card is assigned to

    Bank Account (ACH)

    Parameter Type Required Description
    form_of_payment_type string true use 'bank_transfer' for ACH
    bank_transfer_routing_number int true the bank's routing number
    bank_transfer_account_number int true the account number
    bank_transfer_routing_number_confirmation int true the bank's routing number again
    bank_transfer_account_number_confirmation int true the account number again
    bank_transfer_name string true the bank's name
    bank_transfer_account_type string true Line5 only accepts 'checking' at this time

    Optional parameters when submitting a down payment for the quote

    Parameter Type Required Description
    same_as_downpayment boolean false use the same payment method as down payment for auto pay
    provide_later boolean false provide auto pay method later when sending in down payment method


    When the quote finalize succeeds the server will issue a response with status code 201 and with a JSON serialized loan like in Loan documented.


    PUT/PATCH Vehicle

    curl -i -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @update_vehicle.json update_vehicle.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

        "data": {
            "type": "vehicles",
            "attributes": {
                "vin": "3VW5T7AU8FM017042",
                "mileage": 43333,
                "purchase-price": 22211.22,
                "msrp": 26999.99,
                "financed-amount": 20000.01,
                "finance-term": 60
            "relationships": {
                "quote": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "quotes",
                        "id": "49853"

    This endpoint can be used to update attributes for the quote vehicle. Warning: If you use this endpoint to change the vin or mileage, the quote is reset, you will need to re-rate and select protections to finalize the deal.

    Vehicle Attributes:

    NOTE: If only 'vin' and 'mileage' are sent, a VIN explosion will run and fill in the vehicle description fields. If 'year', 'make', 'model', 'in-service-date', and 'status' are ALL sent, the VIN explosion will not run and the sent attributes will be used.

    Parameter Type Required Description
    vin string true Vehicle Identification Number
    mileage string true Odometer Reading
    year int false Vehicle Year
    make string false Vehicle Make
    model string false Vehicle Model
    in-service-date string false Date this model/year went into production (format as yyyy-mm-dd)
    status string false "new_vehicle", "used_vehicle", "used_with_factory_warranty", "certified_pre_owned"
    purchase-price decimal false Purchase Price of vehicle
    msrp decimal false Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)
    financed-amount decimal false Total Amount Financed
    finance-term int false Length of Finance Term (months)

    Quote Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true the ID which identifies the quote


    When the vehicle is updated the server will issue a response with status code 200. The command on in the right column in case of success responds with a JSON serialized quote like in Quote documented.

    HTTP Request



    GET Rates

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Your API key"

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "quotes",
        "id": "28603",
        "relationships": {
          "protection-label": {
            "data": {
              "type": "protection-label",
              "id": 54321

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "coverages": [
                "id": 50072,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": false,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 48,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used (48 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140225,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50072,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "108.9",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "326.7",
                        "min_retail_price": "326.7",
                        "rate_id": "15",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "326.7"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 128102,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50072,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128103,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50072,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
                "id": 50069,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": false,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 36,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used (36 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140222,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50069,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "93.5",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "280.5",
                        "min_retail_price": "280.5",
                        "rate_id": "12",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "280.5"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 128104,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50069,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128105,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50069,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
                "id": 50068,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": false,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 24,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used (24 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140221,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50068,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "63.8",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "191.4",
                        "min_retail_price": "191.4",
                        "rate_id": "11",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "191.4"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 128106,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50068,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128107,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50068,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
                "id": 50063,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": true,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 48,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New (48 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140216,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50063,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "108.9",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "326.7",
                        "min_retail_price": "326.7",
                        "rate_id": "6",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "326.7"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 128108,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50063,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128109,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50063,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
                "id": 50060,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": true,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 36,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New (36 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140213,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50060,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "93.5",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "280.5",
                        "min_retail_price": "280.5",
                        "rate_id": "3",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "280.5"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 128110,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50060,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128111,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50060,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
                "id": 50059,
                "pen_rate_id": 1116,
                "coverage_name": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New",
                "form_id": "5281",
                "form_name": "PEW-101",
                "new": true,
                "product_type": "WARRANTY",
                "term_miles": null,
                "term_months": 24,
                "label": "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New (24 months)",
                "deductibles": [
                        "id": 140212,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50059,
                        "amount": "0",
                        "dealer_cost": "63.8",
                        "deductible_type": "NORMAL",
                        "description": "0.00",
                        "fi_markup": "0.0",
                        "max_retail_price": "191.4",
                        "min_retail_price": "191.4",
                        "rate_id": "2",
                        "reduced_amount": "0.0",
                        "retail_price": "191.4"
                "surcharges": [
                        "id": 1281112,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50059,
                        "code": "221",
                        "dealer_cost": "250.0",
                        "description": "Supercharger",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "250.0"
                        "id": 128113,
                        "pen_coverage_id": 50059,
                        "code": "215",
                        "dealer_cost": "100.0",
                        "description": "4X4 Drive",
                        "optional": true,
                        "retail_price": "100.0"
        "coverage_terms": {
            "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used": [
                    "id": 50072,
                    "term_label": "48 months"
                    "id": 50069,
                    "term_label": "36 months"
                    "id": 50068,
                    "term_label": "24 months"
            "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New": [
                    "id": 50063,
                    "term_label": "48 months"
                    "id": 50060,
                    "term_label": "36 months"
                    "id": 50059,
                    "term_label": "24 months"
        "coverage_names": [
            "Powertrain Extended Warranty - Used",
            "Powertrain Extended Warranty - New"

    This endpoint takes a quote with a rated protection label and fetchs all of the available coverages. Each coverage contains deductible and surcharge options with rates included

    Quote Attributes

    Parameter Type Description
    id int the id which identifies the quote

    Quote Relationships:


    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Protection ID on Line5 (from the protections response)

    HTTP Request


    Quote Protections

    GET Quote Protections

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @get_quote_protection_request.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "quotes",
        "id": 26858

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON structured like this:

      "quote_protections": [
          "id": 12345,
          "term": 24,
          "name": "Acme Paintless Dent Repair",
          "months": 24,
          "mileage": 100000,
          "price": "499.99",
          "financing_limit": "600.00",
          "exclude_tax": false,
          "protection_label_id": 10332837371,
          "coverage_id": 23344543435,
          "deductible_id": 34123424113,
          "surcharge_ids": [],
          "template_fields": [
              "name": "deal_monthlypayment",
              "prompt": "Deals Monthly Payment",
              "data_type": "double",
              "validator_prompt": "must be in format ######.##",
              "validator_regex": "^\\d+(\\.(\\d{2}))?$",
              "value": "325.82"

    This endpoint fetchs the protections for a quote

    Quote Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Quote ID


    All of the saved protections that belong to the quote will be included in the response. The response may additionally contain "template fields" associated with the quote protection. When template fields are present for a quote protection, you must submit an update request for the protection to provide values for the template fields as they are required by the provider for the contract. See the quote_protections#update section for an example of how to submit template field values.

    HTTP Request


    POST Quote Protection

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @create_quote_protection_request.json create_quote_protection_request.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "quote-protections",
        "attributes": {
          "price": 1234.56,
          "exclude-tax": false,
          "months": 24,
          "mileage": 20000
        "relationships": {
          "quote": {
            "data": {
              "type": "quote",
              "id": "48358"
          "protection-label": {
            "data": {
              "type": "protection-label",
              "id": "10259"
          "coverage": {
            "data": {
              "type": "coverage",
              "id": "4000973"
          "deductible": {
            "data": {
              "type": "deductible",
              "id": "12469408"
          "surcharges": {
            "data": [
                "type": "surcharge",
                "id": "4689408"
                "type": "surcharge",
                "id": "4689411"

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "123738",
        "type": "quotes",
        "attributes": {
          "link-to-quote-wizard": "",
          "integration-loan-id": 1423,
          "status": "new",
          "term": 24,
          "monthly-payment": 12.54,
          "protections-total": 240.19,
          "taxed-total": 240.19,
          "tax": 16.81,
          "subtotal": 257.0,
          "down-payment": 25.7,
          "total": 231.3,
          "doc-stamp-fee": 1.05,
          "financed-total": 232.35,
          "base-fee": 0.0,
          "buy-down-fee": 0.0,
          "interest-percent": 0.0,
          "additional-term-fee": 0.0,
          "fees": 0.0
        "relationships": {
          "quote-protections": {
            "data": [
                "id": "90805",
                "type": "quote-protections"
          "customer": {
            "data": {
              "id": "49666",
              "type": "customers"
          "vehicle": {
              "data": {
                  "id": "10432",
                  "type": "vehicles"
      "included": [
          "id": 12345,
          "term": 24,
          "name": "Acme Paintless Dent Repair",
          "months": 24,
          "mileage": 100000,
          "price": "499.99",
          "financing_limit": "600.00",
          "exclude_tax": false,
          "protection_label_id": 10332837371,
          "coverage_id": 23344543435,
          "deductible_id": 34123424113,
          "surcharge_ids": [],
          "template_fields": [
              "name": "deal_monthlypayment",
              "prompt": "Deals Monthly Payment",
              "data_type": "double",
              "validator_prompt": "must be in format ######.##",
              "validator_regex": "^\\d+(\\.(\\d{2}))?$",
              "value": null
          "id": "49666",
          "type": "customers",
          "attributes": {
            "first-name": "Pickle",
            "last-name": "Rick",
            "date-of-birth": "1980-10-23",
            "address-1": "12 Anvil Dr.",
            "address-2": null,
            "city": "Albuquerque",
            "state": "NM",
            "postal-code": "33880",
            "phone-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "cell-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "work-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "credit-score-tier": "d"
            "id": "10432",
            "type": "vehicles",
            "attributes": {
                "year": 2013,
                "make": "Dodge",
                "model": "Challenger R/T",
                "vin": "2C3KA53G67H670383",
                "mileage": 43,
                "purchase-price": "22211.22",
                "financed-amount": "20000.01",
                "msrp": "25999.99",
                "finance-term": 60,
                "in-service-date": "2013-01-01",
                "status": "used_vehicle"

    This endpoint creates a quote protection for a quote.

    Quote Protection Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    price decimal true The new US-Dollar price for the quote protections. Allowed are positive decimal values.
    exclude-tax boolean false Option to have tax excluded from the protection total
    months int true Number of months of protection coverage
    mileage int true Vehicle mileage allowance

    Quote Protection Relationships:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Quote ID on Line5
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Protection ID on Line5 (from the protections response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Coverage ID on Line5 (from the rates response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Deductible ID on Line5 (from the rates response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int false Surcharge ID on Line5 (from the rates response)


    When the quote protection is created the server will issue a response with status code 200 and the return a serialized quote in the body with the associated quote protection. The response may additionally contain "template fields" associated with the quote protection. When template fields are present for a quote protection, you must submit an update request for the protection to provide values for the template fields as they are required by the provider for the contract. See the quote_protections#update section for an example of how to submit template field values. Additionally these fields could be submitted in this create request using the same attributes as the update request.

    HTTP Request


    PUT/PATCH Quote Protection

    curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @update_quote_protection_request.json update_quote_protection_request.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "quote-protections",
        "id": 22223,
        "attributes": {
          "price": 2345.67,
          "exclude-tax": false,
          "months": 24,
          "mileage": 20000
        "relationships": {
          "quote": {
            "data": {
              "type": "quote",
              "id": "48358"
          "protection-label": {
            "data": {
              "type": "protection-label",
              "id": "10259"
          "coverage": {
            "data": {
              "type": "coverage",
              "id": "4000974"
          "deductible": {
            "data": {
              "type": "deductible",
              "id": "12469452"
          "surcharges": {
            "data": [
                "type": "surcharge",
                "id": "4689479"
                "type": "surcharge",
                "id": "4689480"
          "template": {
            "data": {
              "type": "template",
              "attributes": {
                "deal_monthlypayment": "320.99"

    The above command in case of success responds with a JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "123738",
        "type": "quotes",
        "attributes": {
          "link-to-quote-wizard": "",
          "integration-loan-id": 1423,
          "status": "new",
          "term": 24,
          "monthly-payment": 12.54,
          "protections-total": 240.19,
          "taxed-total": 240.19,
          "tax": 16.81,
          "subtotal": 257.0,
          "down-payment": 25.7,
          "total": 231.3,
          "doc-stamp-fee": 1.05,
          "financed-total": 232.35,
          "base-fee": 0.0,
          "buy-down-fee": 0.0,
          "interest-percent": 0.0,
          "additional-term-fee": 0.0,
          "fees": 0.0
        "relationships": {
          "quote-protections": {
            "data": [
                "id": "90805",
                "type": "quote-protections"
          "customer": {
            "data": {
              "id": "49666",
              "type": "customers"
          "vehicle": {
              "data": {
                  "id": "10432",
                  "type": "vehicles"
      "included": [
          "id": 12345,
          "term": 24,
          "name": "Acme Paintless Dent Repair",
          "months": 24,
          "mileage": 100000,
          "price": "499.99",
          "financing_limit": "600.00",
          "exclude_tax": false,
          "protection_label_id": 10332837371,
          "coverage_id": 23344543435,
          "deductible_id": 34123424113,
          "surcharge_ids": [],
          "template_fields": [
              "name": "deal_monthlypayment",
              "prompt": "Deals Monthly Payment",
              "data_type": "double",
              "validator_prompt": "must be in format ######.##",
              "validator_regex": "^\\d+(\\.(\\d{2}))?$",
              "value": "320.99"
          "id": "49666",
          "type": "customers",
          "attributes": {
            "first-name": "Pickle",
            "last-name": "Rick",
            "date-of-birth": "1980-10-23",
            "address-1": "12 Anvil Dr.",
            "address-2": null,
            "city": "Albuquerque",
            "state": "NM",
            "postal-code": "33880",
            "phone-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "cell-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "work-number": "(888) 555-1212",
            "credit-score-tier": "d"
            "id": "10432",
            "type": "vehicles",
            "attributes": {
                "year": 2013,
                "make": "Dodge",
                "model": "Challenger R/T",
                "vin": "2C3KA53G67H670383",
                "mileage": 43,
                "purchase-price": "22211.22",
                "financed-amount": "20000.01",
                "msrp": "25999.99",
                "finance-term": 60,
                "in-service-date": "2013-01-01",
                "status": "used_vehicle"

    This endpoint updates a quote protection for a quote.

    Quote Protection Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Quote Protection ID
    price decimal true The new US-Dollar price for the quote protections. Allowed are positive decimal values.
    exclude-tax boolean false Option to have tax excluded from the protection total
    months int true Number of months of protection coverage
    mileage int true Vehicle mileage allowance

    Quote Protection Relationships:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Quote ID on Line5
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Protection ID on Line5 (from the protections response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Coverage ID on Line5 (from the rates response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int true Deductible ID on Line5 (from the rates response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    id int false Surcharge ID on Line5 (from the rates response)
    Parameter Type Required Description
    name varies true Template attibutes are listed on the quote protections responses with the name of the attibutes, the data type, and expected format


    When the quote protection is updated the server will issue a response with status code 200 and the return a serialized quote in the body. It will be identical to the quote_protection create response expect the value for the template field will be set and any other values updated will be reflected as well.

    HTTP Request


    PUT/PATCH Quote Protection (Revise Price)

    curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @update_quote_protection_request.json create_quote_request.json

    The above command expects JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "type": "quote-protection",
        "id": "28603",
        "attributes": {
          "price": 37880.6

    This endpoint updates the price of a specific quote protection, recalculates the quote and returns it.

    Quote Protection Attributes:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    price numeral true The new US-Dollar price for the quote protections. Allowed are positive decimal values.


    The command on in the right column in case of success responds with a JSON serialized quote like in Quote documented.

    HTTP Request


    DELETE Quote Protection

    curl -i -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" delete_quote_request.json

    This endpoint removes a protection from a quote. No request body needed just pass quote protection id in the url.


    When the quote protection is deleted the server will issue a response with status code 200. The command on in the right column in case of success responds with a JSON serialized quote like in Quote documented.

    HTTP Request



    GET Loan

    This endpoint returns the loan. At this endpoint you can track status updates on the loan.

    curl "" -H "Authorization: Your API key"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "110372",
        "type": "loans",
        "attributes": {
          "status": "awaiting_paperwork",
          "funded-at": null,
          "start-date": "2017-06-01",
          "payment-day": 24,
          "first-payment-date": "2017-05-24",
          "balance": "435.09",
          "term": 10,
          "down-payment": "0.0",
          "short-fund-fee": "0.0",
          "monthly-payment": "47.18",
          "tax": "0.0",
          "base-fee": "65.26",
          "buy-down-fee": "0.0",
          "additional-term-fee": "0.0",
          "doc-stamp-fee": "1.75",
          "financed-total": "435.09",
          "esign-url": "",
          "signing-state": "unsigned"
        "relationships": { 
          "unread-loan-notes": {
            "data": []
          "actual-cover-sheet": {
            "data": {
              "id": "9215",
              "type": "loan-packages"
          "customer": {
            "data": {
              "id": "1582",
              "type": "customers"
          "vehicle": {
            "data": {
              "id": "10432",
              "type": "vehicles"
          "quote-protections": {
            "data": [
                "id": "20730",
                "type": "quote-protections"
      "included": [
          "id": "9215",
          "type": "loan-packages",
          "attributes": {
            "documents-file-name": "5087eef7-bcc7-4778-9f34-9c4773ee529f.pdf",
            "documents-content-type": "application/pdf",
            "documents-file-size": 918298
          "links": {
            "download": ""
          "id": "1582",
          "type": "customers",
          "attributes": {
            "first-name": "Susann",
            "last-name": "Cartwright",
            "date-of-birth": "1990-01-01",
            "address-1": "951 Moen Prairie",
            "address-2": "",
            "city": "BOCA RATON",
            "state": "FL",
            "postal-code": "33433",
            "phone-number": "(417) 933-2362",
            "cell-number": "(666) 639-6506",
            "work-number": "(666) 639-6506",
            "credit-score-tier": "h"
          "id": "10432",
          "type": "vehicles",
          "attributes": {
              "year": 2013,
              "make": "Dodge",
              "model": "Challenger R/T",
              "vin": "2C3KA53G67H670383",
              "mileage": 43,
              "purchase-price": "22211.22",
              "financed-amount": "20000.01",
              "msrp": "25999.99",
              "finance-term": 60,
              "in-service-date": "2013-01-01",
              "status": "used_vehicle"
          "id": "20730",
          "type": "quote-protections",
          "attributes": {
            "term": 12,
            "name": "Allstate® Classic VSC",
            "months": 12,
            "mileage": 12000,
            "price": "433.34"


    Parameter Type Description
    status string Status of the loan.
    funded-at date Date of being funded.
    start-date date Date when the loan starts.
    payment-day int The day of the month when a payment is due.
    first-payment-date date The date when the first payment is due.
    balance float The account's balance.
    term int The term of the loan.
    down-payment float Amount of the down payment.
    short-fund-fee float The short fund fee.
    monthly-payment float The monthly payment.
    tax float The tax amount.
    base-fee float The base fee of the loan.
    buy-down-fee float The buy down fee.
    additional-term-fee float The additional term fee.
    doc-stamp-fee float The doc stamp fee.
    financed-total float The total of the loan.
    esign-url string The URL for online signature of documents.
    signing-state string The document signing status.

    Loan statuses

    Following statuses can apply on the loan:

    Status Description Waiting for?
    awaiting_paperwork Expecting signed documents. Dealership
    additional_info_required Expecting more information, new coversheet generated. For details please lookup the recent loan_note. Dealership
    awaiting_funding The loan has to be reviewed by Line5. Line5
    funded The loan is funded and active. n/a

    Loan signing states

    Following states can apply on the loan's signing state:

    Status Description
    unsigned Expecting signed documents.
    in_person_pending Marked to Print and sign manually.
    esign_customer_pending Document signing not yet completed by customer.
    esign_dealer_pending Document signing not yet completed by dealer.
    in_person_complete Marked sign manual performed.
    esign_complete Completed E-Signature.
    esign_revision_customer_pending Document needs review and new signature by the customer.
    esign_revision_dealer_pending Document needs review and new signature by the dealer.


    Parameter Type Description
    unread-loan-notes loan_notes References to the unread loan notes
    actual-cover-sheet loan_packages References the actual loan_package, which contains the cover sheet.
    customer customer References to the customer record.
    vehicle vehicle The vehicle record.


    The loan endpoint will include following, related entities:

    GET Loan by Quote ID

    This endpoint returns the loan. At this endpoint you can pass the Quote ID to receive the associated Loan.

    curl "" -H "Authorization: Token Your API key"

    The above command returns the same JSON structure as expected from GET Loan.

    GET Loan ID by Quote ID

    This endpoint returns the loan ID. At this endpoint you can pass the Quote ID to receive the associated Loan ID.

    curl "" -H "Authorization: Token Your API key"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:


    Loan Package

    GET index

    curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @create_quote_request.json

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": [
          "id": "384",
          "type": "loan-packages",
          "attributes": {
            "documents-file-name": "b56a155c-44ee-4bb6-9b5d-468a88bccb12.pdf",
            "documents-content-type": "application/pdf",
            "documents-file-size": 4210506
          "links": {
            "download": ""

    The loan packages model represents the documents (cover sheet, protection forms, etc.) Every loan package has an pdf download endpoint.


    When the API finds loan packages for the given loan id it will return and array of loan packages containing the following fields.

    Parameter Type Description
    id int Id of the loan package.
    documents-file-name string The filename.
    documents-content-type string The media type of the file
    documents-file-size int The filesize in bytes.
    download sting the download url for the file

    Loan Notes

    GET index

    curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @create_quote_request.json

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": [
          "id": "384",
          "type": "loan-notes",
          "attributes": {
            "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor",
            "created-at": "2017-05-03",
            "user-name": "Tony Troy"

    The loan-notes model manages the communication between dealership and Line5. When Line5 needs more Information in order to fund a loan. Line 5 will communicate details at this point.


    When the API finds loan notes for the given loan id it will return and array of loan packages containing the following fields.

    Parameter Type Description
    id int Id of the loan note.
    body string The note text.
    created-at date_time The timestamp, when the note was created.
    user-name string The name of the author.


    This chapter describes the error response.

    Json Error responses

    When a semantic error occurs, the Line5 API responds with a Json structure like the example in the right column. It can contain multiple errors.

    Example error response when the customer's phone number was invalid:

            "pointer": "/data/attributes/customer"
          "detail": "Phone number was not sent"
    Parameter Type Description
    pointer string This value points to the attribute where the error occured
    detail string Description of the error

    HTTP Errors code

    The Line5 API uses the following error codes in the http header:

    Error Code Word Meaning
    400 Bad Request It's Bad
    401 Unauthorized Your API key is wrong
    403 Forbidden The action requested is out of limits
    404 Not Found The specified route was not found
    422 Unprocessable Entity The data to create the object was invalid
    500 Internal Server Error We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.